YNDX Yandex N.V. gains 17% Dec 4, 2019

Posted By: Rajesh Srivastava - Wednesday, December 04, 2019


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Yandex N.V. operates an Internet search engine in the Russian Federation and internationally. The company offers search, location-based, personalized, and mobile services that enable users to find information, and communicate and connect over the Internet from desktops and mobile devices. It provides maps and location-based services, such as Yandex.Maps, Yandex.Navigator, and Yandex.Transport; Yandex.Mail that provides users access to their email accounts; Yandex.Disk, a cloud-based storage service; Yandex.News, an online news aggregation service; Yandex.Weather, a service that offers hyperlocal weather information; and Yandex Browser for desktops and mobile platforms. The company also provides Yandex.Direct, an auction-based advertising placement platform; Yandex Ad Network service; Yandex RTB, a programmatic advertising product; mobile advertising products; Yandex.Spravochnik, a business directory; and Yandex.Market, an e-commerce gateway service. In addition, it offers Yandex.Taxi, an on-demand transportation service; Auto.ru, a classified platform for used and new cars, other private and commercial vehicles, and spare parts; Yandex.Realty, a real estate classifieds service; Yandex.Jobs, a job search Website; and Yandex.Travel, a service that allow users to search for a vacation. Further, it offers KinoPoisk, a Russian language Website for movies, TV series, and celebrity content; Yandex.Music, a music streaming service; Yandex.Afisha platform that allow users to buy tickets to cinemas, theaters, and concerts online; and Yandex.TV Program, a service providing users with an up to date schedule of broadcast, cable and digital TV channels, as well as an option to view certain TV channels online. Additionally, it offers Yandex Zen, which scours the Web for content; and Yandex Launcher that allows users to grouping applications on their smartphone into various categories. Yandex N.V. was incorporated in 2004 and is headquartered in Moscow, the Russian Federation.http://www.priceseries.com/trade/YNDX-Yandex-NV-stock-gains-17-percent-a-Trade-Record-by-priceSeries-2019111420191204.html

About Rajesh Srivastava

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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